Monday, August 23, 2010

Uh oh! Eye problem returned!

I've been lax in doing the eye exercises and on top of that recently got a new IPhone 4, beckoning me to click, read, and explore until the wee hours of the morning sometimes, and yesterday, I noticed the eye problem has returned.  Bummer since I returned to the eye specialist a few weeks ago and told her everything was fine and dandy.  Well, I guess it's just a two step process:
  1. reduce the Iphone viewing
  2. get back to exercising the muscles. 
Of course, right now I'm piled under with work, want to paint more, and have other needs for my eyes too.  Will update you next week on my progress.  Hopefully it'll be as easy as 1,2.

Wish me luck!


B said...

Oh sorry to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Rest your eyes up. I'm from Oz and so enjoy reading your blog.