Sunday, August 1, 2010

Commissioned memorial painting

A client fell in love with my 36 x 48 "Druid Tree" painting that was up at the Mad Platter Show in May/June.  It has returned to it's place as centerpiece of our home's cathedral-ceiling'd living room, hanging over the fireplace once again.  She thought of that painting when a dear friend of hers died and she commissioned a smaller version - different in format, as it's taller and more slender, but the colors and everything else were to remain the same. 

I completed the piece this past weekend and am struck again by the simple beauty of the design.  I don't know if the ethereal shimmer comes through, but in person, it seems to take on a spirit-like existence of its own, reflecting differently wherever you move. 

My client hasn't picked up the painting yet but I'm looking forward to her reaction.


Anonymous said...

Great idea and touching tribute.

Rick s said...

Wow. Keep it up.