Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another great artist supply company: Dick Blick

When I was a teenager, rollerskating was cool and I can't believe I actually wore my rollerskates (pre-inline days) down into the subway in NY one time but that's a discussion for another day.

In those golden days of wine and roses, bff Bindy studied art, first at The New School, part of New York University, then at Parsons in California. I was in my office design phase, tooling around on a drawing board for Prudential Insurance Company's Eastern Regional Office, hanging with creatives in Parsippany, NJ and soaking up art appreciation 101 (Benito Sierra, where are you my long lost friend?) I had a long commute from North Jersey to Parsippany each day and didn't realize what a gem of a job I had at that time, and left too early and with regrets. The thing is, Bindy introduced me to Dick Blick at the time.

This tangent is to sing the phrases of Dick Blick, and please, get your mind out of the gutter! It's not what you might think! Dick Blick is a great artist supply retailer that was started in 1911 at the Illinois kitchen table of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Blick. Bindy introduced me to the company the first time when they had a store in Northern New Jersey. To me it was nirvana! I didn't understand or care what all the different things were and what they were used for, it was just a haven of writing and art instruments, colors, paints, and what-have-you.

Although the Northern NJ store is no longer, Dick Blick is still around, with a store in Manhattan, and a number of other retail stores in major areas around the country. Happily Dick Blick also has a great internet site to buy from too.

What really impresses me these days is something I discovered while scouting around on it recently. I found a section at the bottom for teachers, including lesson plans, educator forums, and "Blick U", and while touring this area, it occurred to me it would be a great vehicle for self-learners, homeschool parents, and the like.

As a bargain shopper, I love their "hot deals of the week, Blick Brands, and clearance section.

Dick Blick: Worth a look.

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