Monday, June 14, 2010

No more denial

I had to do something today that I never thought I could.

It has nothing to do with painting, but definitely one of the reasons I sought escape into the world of alizarin crimson and yellow ochre in the first place. Without going into detail, suffice it to say, I pulled my head out of the sand, accepted a reality, and choose a course that I hope and pray is for the best for us all. The decision was not prompted by an angry, violent outburst but a cool acceptance of reality and facts.  And I feel a serenity about what I've done, despite what my loved one has warned and threatened.

I am aware of the great risks involved, that it could bring about a consequence far from what I am hoping for, but it is out of my hands and control.  I accept that whatever the outcome is, it is because of the choice of that individual and not my responsibility.  And I pray to my higher power to help us all in this.  If anyone's reading this, please keep us in your prayers and send good healing thoughts our way.

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