Sunday, June 20, 2010

Itching to do a collage or two!

This weekend's American Artisan Festival in Nashville motivated me to tackle a collage or two.  I saw a few truly wonderful works there, including those I've posted images of, above, and the works of Charla Steele.  They all burst forth and inspire me with their great color, texture, style, words, etc. and today went to the local goodwill where I scored some great materials to work with.  Now it's just a matter of finding the right supports and getting to it.

The Goodwill materials include several very old books, some with terrific illustrations, some with great photos and cutlines, some with fantastic chapter and section headers.  I've got three of four themes I plan to work on to build these collages around.  I've scoured the internet for some instructive sites but haven't found too many that add anything to what I've read in books already. 

I can't wait to get started!  Now if only this damn heat wave would exit so I could work out in the garage.  The studio is cooler since we pulled the lined curtains closed in most of it.  There's still plenty of light to work but it's laid out more for painting whereas the garage has a wonderful countertop work surface which will be perfect for some of the collage work.  

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