Thursday, June 24, 2010

But there was a ray of sunshine in the day too.

I stopped by Operation Stand Down Nashville to drop off that organization's proceeds raised during my art show last month.  Bill Burleigh, executive director, wasn't there, but I rounded up a staffer to capture the above pic.  It was exhilirating seeing my mixed media piece front and center in the lobby, right near the main entrance to the offices!  I think the painting fits just perfectly there and am so proud they do too! 

If you don't know about this organization, it offers a myriad of services year round to veterans, and over one weekend each October, runs a "stand down" event providing shelter, food, clothing, medical, legal, job and other services to homeless veterans in Middle Tennessee.  I happened upon the organization in 2005 when I was a reporter for the local newspaper.  I have continued to volunteer as my time has allowed, since that time.  Love the organization, management, and vets it serves! 

1 comment:

T.W. said...

Nice. I'll bet your sons are proud.