Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hanging art and poll watching

Make for an exhausting day! 

Happily, I breezed into Nashville with no traffic and got started hanging my art at Paige Simmon's Salon in Nashville promptly at 9:30.  With great optimism, I brought nearly all of my inventory, including the 48 x 72 triptych that I wasn't sure we'd find a space for.  Thankfully, seasoned artist and hanging veteran Lynne Pilkerton met me there and immediately restored order and sanity to my day by grouping paintings and finding just the right spot for nearly all of them.  And I mean all! 

In the end, we found a perfect spot for the triptych and hung it -- which can be a real bitch -- with very little difficulty, again, thanks to Lynne's quick thinking.  We also found room for my other largest paintings, and the smaller ones too.  In the end, I left with fewer than five of the 46 paintings I'd started with!   I've posted a few photos of the site and apologize for the poor quality images.  My flash battery was dead and these are with the great local light only.  It really is an exquisite space and hopefully, in some small way, my paintings are making it even more appealing. 

We didn't finish until 2 p.m. and though I'd not eaten anything all day, I had to report to a polling place at three to serve as a poll watcher.  Grabbed a quick bite and reported to the election site just in time and made it through the next four hours, at first bored to tears, then grabbing a pen and paper and sketching all sorts of people that were in line, then handbags, shoes and what-have-you, and finally, after mind-numbingly watching the poll captain try to call the election headquarters and wait on hold for so many minutes, grabbed my Iphone, got the voter verification lookup website, and must've looked up 100 voters registration info by poll closing time.  I felt good that I could help and the poll captain was amazed at the great new technology. It was probably against the rules and I suggested to him that we need to start a campaign now to get the Major Cell Phone companies to donate smartphones to all polling places across america for free for that day.  Anyone with me? 

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