Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Painting, painting, painting!

I lucked out and hit the Art Supply Warehouse canvas sale late last week and bought some bigger sized canvas in bulk (6 packs) at great GREAT prices! They have arrived and now I just need to cover them.

I lucked out even more yesterday when I took my presentable watercolor paintings to Hobby Lobby to find mats for them. Yeah, sale there too! Half off, so I got some perfect mats for most of my better watercolors and will do what I can to find affordable framing options for them too. While at Hobby Lobby, I researched how to frame canvas panels I'd painted that I will be showing. The Hobby Lobby staffer explained they go in open frames without glass, obviously, and usually use foamcore behind to back them to the right depth. Nice staffer, helpful concept, but though the frames were on sale and very affordable, I will look around and hit the sale on the first day they have it next time, rather than wait until late in the week. (The staffer explained they have this sale usually every 2 or 3 weeks.)

Lastly, the painting above is a quick and vibrant one on a small 12 x 12 canvas. Comments from my facebook fans (where I'm Moesse the Eclectic Artist) and from friends I've emailed it to indicate this style and color combo is very popular. I think I'll be doing several more of these graphic ones for the show.

1 comment:

Maura Satchell said...

Oh, and my bff Bindy, the grand artist who's weaved her inspiration into my reality since preschool days, will be at the Art Show's reception, even though she lives a thousand miles away!