Sunday, March 21, 2010

OMG! Exciting News! I've got a show scheduled!

It was pure and total luck, I swear, and some very great friends!

I happened to be playing bridge (yeah, I'm kinda a geek!) with friends in a she-shee area of Nashville called Germantown last weekend. I hadn't seen these great people in ages, too busy painting, filing taxes, getting sick, etc. So, it stands to reason I'd bring my photo album of my paintings, right?

Well, as luck would have it, a new couple was there to play and were introduced to my stuff. As MORE luck would have it, they are restauranteurs of a great place and fixture in Germantown called the MaD PLaTTeR Restaurant (yeah, all skewy with the caps thing, right? But it fits!)

So, long story short, they were in need of an artist to show for mid-April, and before I'd taken off my jacket and laid down my purse, Marcia Jervis, co-owner with husband Craig, came up to me and asked if I'd be interested... And voila!

To top it off, I did damn well in bridge that night with great cards, tremendous partners, and of course, wonderful company!

As I played, I tried to remain cool, calm and non-chalant, but I was brimming over with excitement all night and stole away to the bathroom to call my hubby, not a bridge player who enjoyed a night home alone now and again.

Mind's whirling and racing! She wants some big stuff, and lots! Of course I've given away most of mine so I'll have to get cracking! Fortunately, I paint fast.

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