Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Show is Over

The paintings came down much quicker than they took to hang, and David and I were done in like 20 minutes.  All told, I sold the biggest single painting - the Dandelion - and ten other smaller paintings.  I received three commissions from the show and sold a number of the small gift style items - notecard sets, wine gift bags, and tote bags - so it was a very good and profitable "business result" and encouraged me to press forward with my art.

Ultimately, what this, the first show did, was it gave me confidence.  I realized I can paint, and paint things people like and would like to collect.  I realized I have a "knack" for the business/marketing/promotion side of things too, and going balls out to ensure a good sized crowd came was truly worth it.  I can honestly say this endeavor was a success.  

I also realized I love painting enough that I could do it for a living.  It's more than just a hobby or one of my many tangents that cause my husband to roll his eyes but support me nonetheless.  When all is said and done, I worked on this show full time -- and then some -- for more than a month to prepare for it and promote it and create for it.  And I did not find it a job at all.  In the end, I relished the opportunity and am so very grateful that it came my way!  

Now, onto whatever lies ahead! 

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