Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rainy Weekend Painting

Despite the miserable weather, this was a great weekend, filled with painting pleasure.  I think I had a solid eight hours of painting time yesterday.  The downside is, I need to block in some downtime for "visual rest."  I was hoping to work on my website ( and just had to leave it unfinished as my eyes became so darn unfocused.  Leave it to me to come up with a condition that is typically a childhood thing!  Did I ever tell ya I had sleeping sickness as a child?  Yeah, when they quote that one in a million stat, believe me, they're talking about me.  Except for becoming a lottery winner, unfortunately.


Anonymous said...

Wow, these are great.

Marlee Schaeffer said...

I love the red one, it's so strong and electrifying.

Gina Pinkett said...

Well, well, well. I think it needs to rain more where you are. Nicely done.