Friday, October 30, 2009

We're going on vacation!

These are from my class yesterday but my mind wasn't really into it...

The hubby, dog and I are going to Florida Sunday for a week's vacation in Gulf County where dogs are permitted on the beach all the time... I can't wait to eat the fresh seafood (Tennessee, as you may be aware, is landlocked), and walk along the beaches, explore the water, take photos of sunsets, and etc. I also look forward to testing my hand at some plein air watercolor paintings and will try my first acrylics, too, in that low-pressure environment, I think.

I have a few books from the library to bring down on acrylic painting, and have learned quite a lot on how to set them up from others in the class who often paint in acrylics instead of watercolors.

Don't get me wrong, watercolors are nice but I think I'm too rigid to feel too comfortable with them and may have more success with acrylics. From what I understand they are more forgiving. Besides, I have that starter set from my kit. Might as well use it, right?

Well, off I go... wish me luck!

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