Monday, February 28, 2011

They eyes have it...

If you've been reading my blog at all, you'll know that last year I developed an eye problem - Convergence insufficiency - that basically means the eye muscles are weak and the eyeball (in my case, the left one) doesn't want to cooperate and move to focus where it's supposed to it times.  For me, it is distracting, frustrating, and disorienting at times.  I have eye muscle exercises to do and I do them, most of the time, but still have the eye muscle problem. 

I broke down and made an eye doctor appointment again.  It's not time for the annual exam but too bad.  If the insurance company has a problem, they can talk to me! 

On another subject, the Harpeth Hall Green Art Show reception is coming up this Sunday and I'm pretty psyched about it.  And the group I paint with, Collaborative Artists Network, will be showing in April in Donelson at Fifty Forward, a community art center for Seniors. 

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