Saturday, April 17, 2010


It's Saturday evening, and David and I managed the installation of all my paintings (40 - exceeding 20,000 square inches of canvas!) in good time and -- more importantly -- without any huge fights! (Not that we do, usually, but, given the enormity of this project, and tension involved, I was sure we'd have a blow up or two!).  They are now showing at one of Nashville's finer restaurants, The Mad Platter, on Sixth Avenue North in the Germantown Neighborhood.

The installation went so smoothly, I'm shocked!  The biggest piece, the 36 x 80 "Miracle in the Breeze", went up as if it were made for that space!  And all the others laid out perfectly, too.  I was so afraid I'd not have enough, but!  Marcia, owner of The Mad Platter, was sick and at home resting and only came to lock up at the end, giving us her stamp of approval and pleasure over the works.  They'll be hanging there for six to eight weeks.

The show's reception is set for May 2, and my artist BFF Bindy, is coming down for it.  Good thing, too since there are some 50 people who've RSVP'd for the reception and she's got the kinda charm and personality that lights up any room.

1 comment:

Bill Fraley, Chi-town said...

Very nice place and your works are much larger than I would have thought. I travel to Nashville often and hope to get there to check it out. Good luck.